viernes, 24 de mayo de 2013


Urinary incontinence is defined as involuntary loss of urine objective, resulting in unsuitable places and times and in quantity or often enough to be a problem hygienic, social and psychic to the person suffering and possible limitation of their activity and relationship.

For all this, I think it is important that nurses help the elderly to avoid the above problems.
In the elderly population urinary incontinence that occurs most frequently is incontinence due to detrusor instability.

The nurse takes a very important role in my point of view, in the evaluation of urinary incontinence.
This requires making an assessment of the elderly that is individualized, we note whether the patient takes drugs and which will be of great help and use of bladder diaries or records so that we can assess frequency.
It will be important in addition to cure incontinence improve at all times the situation of the patient to enjoy life quality.

Advising the patient is of great importance: unbutton clothes easy, absolute accessibility to toilet or a potty near the bed, adjust medications, particularly absorbent devices perform Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor.

It will be important that you fully understand the performance of those years and if necessary we could show videos and be available for any questions that may arise.
I think from our role nurse must put ourselves in the situation of the patient and understand that somewhat uncomfortable, it can trigger many problems and that our advice and understanding will be very useful for the elderly patient.


1.  Gavira Iglesias, FJCarida, JMdel Molino Martín, J PérezOcerín, Oceríndel Molino Martín, J Perez;Valderrama Gama, ELópez Pérez, MRomero López, MPavón Aranguren, MVGuerrero Muñoz, JB. Uso de accesorios para incontinencia urinaria en los ancianos de la zona básica de salud de Cábra (Córdoba). Publicado en Aten Primaria. 2000;25:88-95. - vol.25 núm 8. ; Available in:

2. Mañá Gonzalez. M; Mesas Sáez. A.; Incontinencia urinaria en la mujer: plan de cuidados de enfermería. Available in:

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