jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013


WHO defines the fall as a result of any event which tumbles down the person against their will.

The elderly patient is at high risk of falls. There are many risk factors that make the elderly susceptible to falls.
We must bear in mind that a patient suffering from a fall are at risk for a fracture, the most common being the hip suffering a post-fall syndrome or suffer social isolation.
Since my point of view is very important that the patient has autonomy, which can perform basic activities of daily living and instrumental daily life.

A drop will cause the patient to reduce or eliminate their mobility therefore not be autonomous.
A result of a fall is encouraged bedridden patient which would lead to the emergence of multiple complications, highlighting the possibility of having a pressure ulcer.
I think it will be an important role of nursing to educate the patient, teaching him to rise, deriving to carry out rehabilitation aid, assistive devices and encourage him to walk again, reducing anxiety and fear of falling as we must to avoid in the elderly mobility impaired, leading to the institutionalization of the elderly and death.

1. Risk factors for falls in the elderly: sistematyc review. Rev. Saúde Pública vol.42 no.5 São Paulo Oct. 2008. Available in:

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