jueves, 18 de abril de 2013


Global geriatric assessment is a very important goal of nursing.
The elderly population which attends nursing visits can suffer many problems to be detected early.
It is important that this assessment is a process diagnostic dynamic and structured. We assess all the individual systems orderly and all areas: functional, social, mental...
At this point we have to give great importance to the need to use scales and instrumental evaluation validated. Each scale is for the evaluation of a particular problem.
To carry out the comprehensive geriatric assessment, it is very important that when we do the clinical interview, this is the best possible way in spite of the difficulty whit some patients. 
From my point of view, it is very important to communication with the patient. Speak clearly with appropriate voice tone and establish good communication in addition to giving confidence to our patient is the most important.
Another important and alarming to consider, is attributed to the age old problems that present such as memory loss. I think it is a worrying issue and it is necessary that people are aware that any problem detected early can be resolved or do not get worse. Therefore it is important to conduct separate interviews with family and patient, so that we can compare information.

For all this, we have a very important role in promoting patient autonomy. We detect problems at an early stage, making prevention and preventing the elderly lose functionality and becomes a dependent of your family or institutionalized.


1. Baztan, JJ; Gil, L; Andrés, E. Actividad comunitaria de un servicio de geriatría hospitalario: un ejemplo practico de coordinación entre atención primaria y especializada. Aten primaria. 2000;26 : 374-82. -vol. 26 núm 06. Disponible en:

2. Redín, J.M. Valoración geriátrica integral ( I ). Evaluación del paciente geriátrico y concepto de fragilidad. Disponible en:  

domingo, 14 de abril de 2013


Theories of aging, want expose an explanation of why aging occurs.
In this process there are a number of changes on the person which these theories try to explain, each from their point of view.
There are a number of theories emphasizing among them two large groups: the biological and psychosocial.
Based on these theories, we can make prevention and advice to the person on possible changes that will be appearing.
Each theory attempts to give an explanation for this process differently.
We have achieved the main objective, the independence of the person and involve them to live in a healthy environment.
The theory used in nursing is the LIFE COURSE THEORIES.
From my point of view during our life happens a series of changes and causes on the person, that deteriorate functions previously had and appearance changes.
I believe that the best way to combat the aging process, is coping with the changes happening in the person. Addressing this in a positive way I think is very important.
Life involves a series of stages that we all go. Since nursing is important to support the person in the changes and answer any questions that may arise to the person.
We understand it can be difficult for the person because it carries a deterioration and decay of health, a possible departure from the company, retirement and other. One of our roles is to encourage the person to maintain an active lifestyle and non-stop activities previously undertaken within their means.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2013


The ageing process begins with the birth of the person and continues throughout of their life cycle. It is a physiological process.
People, suffers from a series of biological changes in organs and systems characteristic of this process called aging.
In the aging process the person suffer from various physical and physiological changes which affect the appearance and the functioning of organs and systems.
This means that could appear malfunctions of the body of the person.
Is very important in our profession as nurses, understand the person about their feelings and experiences of the changes that occur in them in addition to providing the best nursing care related to diseases that may be suffering in process of ageing and prevent complications.
During the last years of our lives, we suffer from more illness and find more limitations to adapt to the environment.
The aging process is individual, occurs in all people and is different between individuals and species.
One very important thing to consider is that our country has decreased the birth rate, but have increased life expectancy, which creates a challenge to society: to optimize health and functional capacity of the elderly patients, participation and security of them.

1.      Noriega Borge MJ, Garcia Hernandez M, Torres Egea MªP. Proceso de envejecer: cambios físicos, cambios físicos, cambios psíquicos, cambios sociales. Disponible en: http://www.arrakis.es/~seegg/documentos/libros/pdflibro/Cap2.pdf
2.      OMS. Envejecimiento. Disponible en: http://www.who.int/topics/ageing/es/index.html